Sunday, January 31, 2016

Peace and hope for a better future
In the 1930s the Nazis created a demonic image of the Jew. Their intention was to eradicate Jews, whom they considered evil and the cause of the ills that beset Germany. The Palestinian funded DBS Movement (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) is creating a demonic image of Israel, the root of all the problems of the world, or at least of the Middle East. Neither the Nazi image, nor the DBS image has any semblance to reality, but for the purposes of viscous propaganda this does not matter, as long as people buy into it. There were many very smart people who swallowed the Nazi propaganda. Now learned academics subscribe to the BDS message. The Association of Anthropologists, Historians, and for all I know, many other academic associations thought that by boycotting Israeli scholars and scholarship, they increase the credibility of their discipline. Their misguided views also infect their students, the scholars and intellectual leaders of the future. David Sedley, formerly of Wellington, New Zealand, is the Producer of a film production company in Israel, Full Frame Media, the object of which is to combat the misrepresentation of the DBS movement, with short film clips that present an image of Israelis and Palestinians, Jews, Muslims and Christians, living together, and attempting to resolve differences through dialogue, not violent confrontation.  

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