Freedom of speech and related questions
All sorts of 'right minded' people, people whose opinions I thought I would usually respect get their knickers in knots over the question of 'Free speech'. Two speakers whose opinions were considered inflammatory, Stefan Molineux, described as a Canadian journalist, and Lauren Southern, a knock you dead, glamorous 23 year old young woman were refused the use of Auckland City Council owned premises for their address. Some high profile people were up in arms about this, claiming that they were denied their right to say what they wanted to say. Hang on a minute! Who are these speakers and what is their message. We know that they galavant around the world disseminating false and repugnant ideas. Why were they stopped from speaking in the UK, in Australia? Who funds their travel? Whose cause are they promoting? Would anyone argue that everyone has the right to disseminate lies, or would they argue that one person's truth is another's lie. I believe that there is such a thing as fact based truth, and disseminating lies and half-truths to destabilise society is unacceptable. Would the champions of free speech grant the right to people with dissenting opinions to question and comment? I would imagine that such questions and comments would be ruled out of order, or if the person asking the questions persists, he or she would be manhandled and thrown out. But then such rumpus would give the promoters of the event further publicity. For the promoters of extreme causes freedom of speech is a one way street, something they demand for themselves, but as history shows, they answer those who dissent with violence.
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